Last update: 21-06-2024
On December 12, 2023, Solar Park De Stegenhoek went ‘online’! A day earlier, the project was already connected to Enexis’ power grid. After the inverters were also tested, the solar park can now be considered technically operational. At the time of writing this update, the ground is very wet (apologies for the language), which hinders the planting of the landscape integration. In the coming months, the planted seedlings will have time to further germinate, and additional plantings will also be carried out. We expect to complete the landscape integration in February/March, weather permitting. We hope to organize the official opening in the second half of May.
Together with students from Wageningen University & Research, we have explored the possibilities for multiple land uses at the planning location. Several scenarios have emerged from this research. Additionally, based on input from the local community and other stakeholders such as the Nature and Environment Association Haaksbergen, we have considered various perspectives. Furthermore, a student from Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences conducted research and provided recommendations on improving the habitat of the partridge. The partridge is a rare bird that could potentially return to the area under better living conditions. We have also incorporated this advice into our plans for the solar park.
Find out more about this project? Gijs van Heemstra is happy to tell you more.